
Wendy Leutert2018年6月,我以宾大沃顿中国中心(PWCC)为工作基地,围绕我的博士后研究课题 “中国国有企业改革和全球化” ,在中国开展了为期一个月的参访研究。

抵达北京后的早晨,我和中国中心董事总经理 华桦博士见了面,他贴心地为我递上咖啡帮助我倒时差,并带我参观了中心在CBD的宽敞设施。在接下来的几个星期里,我以PWCC为研究基地,参访了中心引荐的与我研究主题相关的包括航空航天、铁路、海运等领域国有企业相关人员和资源,顺利开展我的研究工作。

• 提前规划:在前往北京之前,我就已经在费城校园着手准备中国之行的研究计划。我与宾大沃顿中国中心主任张忠教授、高级副主任乔喆以及宾大国际部执行董事Amy Gadsden进行了充分沟通,在他们的帮助下提前做好了访问准备和明确可行的研究计划。
• 另外,做好功课很重要:对于每个国有企业案例,在参访前,我会对其公司历史、发展和相关行业政策进行详细的背景研究,以助于有的放矢。


While in Beijing, Wendy had the opportunity to attend a seminar on the Institutions And Economic Performance Of China at PWCC on June 25–26. Hosted by Fang Hanming, Professor of Economics at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences, the seminar featured 27 scholars from the US and China who exchanged research and academic findings.
While in Beijing, Wendy had the opportunity to attend a seminar on the Institutions And Economic Performance Of China at PWCC on June 25–26. Hosted by Fang Hanming, Professor of Economics at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences, the seminar featured 27 scholars from the US and China who exchanged research and academic findings.